Project Mekong

Gifts Foundation
Project Mekong Rebuild Programs

A design & building project seeking sustainable and affordable housing solutions for those living in impoverished tropical climates

The way forward. Many families are living in extremely poor conditions throughout rural areas in Vietnam. Annual natural disasters are consistently putting families and their homes at risk as they lack the basic infrastructure to be resilient to storms and floods. Over half of rural dwellers lack adequate sanitation while more than a third do not have access to clean water. Over the years, GIFTS has built simple but sturdy homes that allow families to live and thrive with dignity and protect themselves in times of disaster.

Solid Ground. This hardworking fishing family work & lived on this boat, a dangerous place to raise two small children.. Being chosen as a recipent for one of our houses, the mother said “Thank you for settling us on soild ground.”

Case Study

Collaborate across cultures to share skills and knowledge.

All hands on deck. Working alongside local building teams so we can understand the logistics, conditions and challenges of building in remote tropical landscapes.

Brick by Brick