
Gifts Foundation
Scholarship Programs

Knowledge is Power.

The way forward. We believe that the best way to end poverty is through education. Education is a tool that empowers an individual for life. It provides a life changing opportunity to a young child. We aim to eliminate barriers to opportunity and help children reach their fullest potential through our many ongoing scholarship programs.

Stats & Progress

cad dollars elementary school scholarship


cad dollars university level scholarship


students graduated from university


students currently enrolled in our scholarship programs


students currently enrolled for masters degree

Case Study

Xuan's Story

Pay it forward. This is Xuan, the first ever recipent of a GIFTS schoalrship. We met her in 2009 when her father had died and her mother had health problems and required open heart surgery. Despite being a proflic prodigy of a writer with aspirations to become a teacher, she quit school to be the sole provider for her extended family. We put our faith in her, supported her, and invested in her education.

Now she is a powerful intelligent and every poetic grown woman with a child of her own. “I want to give him every experience I never had. He can be Superman for all I know.”

“I don’t recall the first time we met except that it was by cosmic forces, it was fate. I am still dumbfoudned and forever grateful. I intend on pushing that forward”. She is now a social worker, counselling and finding oportunities for young students on their path forward.

Knowledge is Power